#109: The Parables: A Father and Two Sons
No matter where you’re at in life, Luke 15:11-32 has impactful lessons for all of us, if we step back and observe a bit more.
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No matter where you’re at in life, Luke 15:11-32 has impactful lessons for all of us, if we step back and observe a bit more.
Part of our “Things You Can Control” series, we delve head-first into the deep end of the pool. No, we’re not claiming to fix every marriage challenge in just one episode. But we DO guarantee that your marriage will have at least ONE new spouse in just ten days.
Modern Israel is at the heart of global news as enemies of the nation state continue their efforts to wipe Israel off the map or at the very least, neutralize it. And to be sure, the chorus of modern ‘prophesy experts’ grows louder with each attack, claiming that to not stand with Israel is to not stand with God’s people and in fact - is to stand AGAINST God and His people. Is this right? What’s the root of this sentiment? Where does it come from? Is God’s plan centered around physical Israel? Are today’s events a fulfillment of prophesy that God will establish His kingdom? What IS a Christian to think of physical Israel, anyway? Who ARE God’s chosen people? What IS God’s unfolding plan?
Big questions that have Biblical answers. In this episode we’ll discuss:
1) The modern sentiment toward Israel of mainstream Christianity as revealed through modern geo-political events
2) Our shared heritage with the Jewish people and affinity toward modern Israel
2) The two foundational assumptions contributing to mainstream Christianity’s view toward physical Israel
3) Who Israel is, according to the Bible
4) Replacement Theology: What is it? Is it Biblical? Is it anti-semitic?
5) The root cause of violence toward Jewish people
6) What a Christian’s attitude toward Israel should be, according to the Scriptures.
Scriptures discussed will include:
1) Romans 2:11
2) Acts 10:34
3) Leviticus 19:15
4) Romans 9:3-8
5) Romans 9:27
6) Romans 11:28-31
7) Romans 11:1-5
8) Galatians 4:22-31
9) Galatians 6:15-16
Audio used for educational purposes include:
1) “Stand with Israel” - John Hagee - soundclip from video on Christians United for Israel UK -https://youtube.com/shorts/nArRZlf0Gs8?si=SMEla-KBIKH3WYmA
2)”From the river to the sea…” chant - @Polishmigrants https://youtube.com/shorts/nArRZlf0Gs8?si=SMEla-KBIKH3WYmA
3) Adolph Hitler Speech at Krupp Factory in Germany (1935) - https://youtu.be/FJ3N_2r6R-o?si=lemXgvfCFjoV6Rug
Citation from Liberty Universty -
1) Thomas D. Ice essay on Replacement Theology - https://digitalcommons.liberty.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1105&context=pretrib_arch
Some say money doesn’t make the man, and that money isn’t a measure of spiritual success. Others say health & wealth is THE measure of a person’s spiritual favor with God. So who’s right? And, what can we control, anyway? Lastly - does it matter as far as Christ is concerned? You may be surprised…
NEWS FLASH - the world is STILL going insane. What’s a Christian to do? How about controlling the things that God gave us to control. In this episode we dive deeper into Time. We try to avoid the cliches, (although I think we may have stumbled on one or two). The bottom line is found in Ephesians 5:16. What does it mean to redeem something, how do you know what your time’s worth and how to allocate? Let’s dive in!
We live in a world turned upside down, and you don’t need (or want) to hear it from us! But… what DO you do about it anyway? Uncle Philmore calls into the show with an epic rant, Jason drops some Christian rap music from the 80’s and most importantly, we offer legitimate reasons to and tactics for overcoming the burden of the craziness around us. Hint - it’s about time!
As our children start to notice the opposite sex, let’s face it… it can be SCARY. So, what’s a parent to do? We look at Biblical principles (spoiler alert - the Bible leaves some room here) and what those conversations should sound like and why.
Dads - take note! We think we have the “L” thing down with our kids. And as a result they’ll “L” God too. Right? Let’s back up a bit and take a look (and maybe a hard swallow) at what we are or can do to better train our kids in “L”oving God. We call it “Affection”.
“Abba”. Daddy. Pop Pops. Terms of endearment. All heart warming to the one they’re aimed at.
Romans 8:15, 1 John 4:19, Mark 14:36, Gal 4:6
The ultimate goal as parents is to help our children gain trust in the right person: Jesus. In the process though, they’re watching US. How do we build a relationship with our kids that helps them learn to trust in the right people? AND what if we blew it… and now we’re trying to regain that trust? What now? Hebrews 2:11-13, Matt 21:21, Matt 14:22-33
How do you know if you have a good relationship with your kids? When it’s tested. The importance of open, trusting relationships with our children, grown or not cannot be overstated. Putting principles from God’s relationship with us is a useful guide - even down to the detail. And if you’re relationship with your children isn’t stellar, we have some ideas for you as well. Are you a grown child or teenager? Fear not! This episode has something in it for you too. Uncle Philmore makes sure of that.