Day 18 - Sometimes finding our neighbor is more simple than we make it. Luke 10:29-36
The 30 Day “Don’t Be a Loser” Challenge embodies the true spirit of Inner Man Radio: Tongue in cheek humor helping us step back for a moment and purposely think about our actions and motives.
Day 17 - Skeletons. 2 Peter 1:1-11.
The 30 Day “Don’t Be a Loser” Challenge embodies the true spirit of Inner Man Radio: Tongue in cheek humor helping us step back for a moment and purposely think about our actions and motives.
Day 16 - Can God’s power overcome our timidity and diversonary tactics? Of course! 2 Tim 1:7. IF, we choose it… Eph 6:10. It’s from Him, and not of ourselves 2 Cor 4:7.
The 30 Day “Don’t Be a Loser” Challenge embodies the true spirit of Inner Man Radio: Tongue in cheek humor helping us step back for a moment and purposely think about our actions and motives.
Day 15 - Giving to God so that we can save money with Caesar. Hmm, a little backwards? 2 Cor. 8:12-5 gets to the heart of giving. In the end, those who didn’t reap in abundance had no lack, while those who did, had no excess. Is it too taxing of a proposition to give for the sake of…giving to the Lord and meeting someone else’s spiritual or physical need?
The 30 Day “Don’t Be a Loser” Challenge embodies the true spirit of Inner Man Radio: Tongue in cheek humor helping us step back for a moment and purposely think about our actions and motives.
Day 14: Tell me about… Psalm 1.
The 30 Day “Don’t Be a Loser” Challenge embodies the true spirit of Inner Man Radio: Tongue in cheek humor helping us step back for a moment and purposely think about our actions and motives.
Day 13: Some extra cash made it your way recently? How are those barns? Needing some bigger ones? Matt 6:19-20 Romans 10:15
The 30 Day “Don’t Be a Loser” Challenge embodies the true spirit of Inner Man Radio: Tongue in cheek humor helping us step back for a moment and purposely think about our actions and motives.
Day 12: When it comes to praying, there just isn’t any way around it. But then again - should there be? Mark fills the letter of the law (kind of), but misses the point. 1 Thess 5:17, Eph 6:18.
The 30 Day “Don’t Be a Loser” Challenge embodies the true spirit of Inner Man Radio: Tongue in cheek humor helping us step back for a moment and purposely think about our actions and motives.
Day 11: The latest Christianeze video, prayer, book or pod… if I just had ONE MORE tool, THEN I’d be able to really evangelize. Right? I smell a rat. Can it be as simple as Colossians 4:5 and 2 Cor 4:13.? It can, and with Christ in us, we’re up to it!
The 30 Day “Don’t Be a Loser” Challenge embodies the true spirit of Inner Man Radio: Tongue in cheek humor helping us step back for a moment and purposely think about our actions and motives.
Day 10: Doing LIFE together. THAT’S what Christianity is ALL about! Or, if abused, is that just hedonism in disguise? Solomon, knew a thing or two about doing life and gives us something to think about in Ecclesiastes 2:1-5. Living life in a way that moves the gospel IS what it’s all about.
The 30 Day “Don’t Be a Loser” Challenge embodies the true spirit of Inner Man Radio: Tongue in cheek humor helping us step back for a moment and purposely think about our actions and motives.
Day 9: Times are tough. It’s hard to be generous, right? 1 John 3:17 has something to say about how we use our posessions. The spirit in Christians is a spirit of generosity. Ready, aim, fire!
The 30 Day “Don’t Be a Loser” Challenge embodies the true spirit of Inner Man Radio: Tongue in cheek humor helping us step back for a moment and purposely think about our actions and motives.