Radio Episodes

#71: Challenge Day 8: Like Sands of the Seashore

Duration: 02:47 | Download MP3 (3 MB)

Day 8: Ever want to just leave it all behind? Well, if you travel far enough south, you might catch Jason and Mark livin’ the dream on a beach overlooking crystal blue waters. What a great place to contemplate the meaning of Galatians 6:2 and 1 Peter 3:15. Or, is it? A little rest and relaxation every once in a while isn’t a bad thing. Running from our responsibilities is. Bearing burdens and making defenses means running to the battle, not from it. Ready to bear and defend?

The 30 Day “Don’t Be a Loser” Challenge embodies the true spirit of Inner Man Radio: Tongue in cheek humor helping us step back for a moment and purposely think about our actions and motives.

#70: Challenge Day 7: Success Calls.

Duration: 01:53 | Download MP3 (2 MB)

Day 7: Life in the fast lane can be exciting and offer many rewards. After all, being a MAN means being successful, right? And then there’s fellas like Mark who call. (Or, is it really God calling?) The only way to know is to put Matt 6:33 into practice.

The 30 Day “Don’t Be a Loser” Challenge embodies the true spirit of Inner Man Radio: Tongue in cheek humor helping us step back for a moment and purposely think about our actions and motives.

#69: Challenge Day 6: Getting Grilled

Duration: 01:38 | Download MP3 (2 MB)

Day 6: Acts 17:16-34. We never know when an opportunity will arise. Are we ready? Paul was on Mars Hill, and as a result of being prepared, he saw and seized the opportunity. How about looking for and jumping on an opportunity this week. Just like a hunk of juicy meat. Either that, or get grilled!

The 30 Day “Don’t Be a Loser” Challenge embodies the true spirit of Inner Man Radio: Tongue in cheek humor helping us step back for a moment and purposely think about our actions and motives.

#68: Challenge Day 5: Distractions: Wipe Them Clean!

Duration: 01:52 | Download MP3 (2 MB)

Day 5: Galatians 6:8. There’s seemingly a million things to be angry at or pre-occupied with. Here’s an idea: Wipe them clean! And replace them with actions that will make a long term difference.

The 30 Day “Don’t Be a Loser” Challenge embodies the true spirit of Inner Man Radio: Tongue in cheek humor helping us step back for a moment and purposely think about our actions and motives.

#67: Challenge Day 4: Through The Uprights! (! Peter 2:12)

Duration: 01:36 | Download MP3 (2 MB)

The 30 Day “Don’t Be a Loser” Challenge embodies the true spirit of Inner Man Radio: Tongue in cheek humor helping us step back for a moment and purposely think about our actions and motives.

Day 4: 1 Peter 2:12. It sure is easy to think that there’s a secret formula for encouraging others spiritually. But as Jason learn’s there’s only one way to put the ball through the goal posts. And as for Mark, will he tune out enough to tune into the REAL game?

#64: 30 Day Challenge Day 1: Something Better on Tap (Gal 6:10 & Prov 3:30)

Duration: 02:20 | Download MP3 (2 MB)

The 30 Day “Don’t Be a Loser” Challenge embodies the true spirit of Inner Man Radio: Tongue in cheek humor helping us step back for a moment and purposely think about our actions and motives. Then, let’s get to work! Day 1: Gal 6:10, Prov 3:30.

#63: What About Hell?

Duration: 29:01 | Download MP3 (23 MB)

In this episode, we continue our apologetics series - answering frequently asked questions about God, the Bible and Christianity. Perhaps no other topic is too hot to handle (sorry - couldn’t resist) in the way this topic is. The subject of hell has been used by religion over the years as a means of profit and control. This worked so long as enough people resonated with the message - that “If you don’t do this or that, you’re gong to hell.” Like any good business though, man made religion now shies away from the topic becuase it doesn’t resonate with the target audience. In fact, the idea of hell is repulsive to many. Talking about it is just to risky to the business model - which requires growth in attendance, donations and public standing.

However aside from all that, the question still stands: How could a loving God send people to an eternal punishment? Does the punishment really fit the crime? What about people who are good people but commit an eencie weencie violation… is hell justified for them? In the words of a recent U.S. presidential candidate, “C’mon man!”.

These are legitimate questions that have legitimate answers and we hope to do our best in giving those.

#62: Can The Bible Be Trusted Anyway (Really?)

Duration: 39:45 | Download MP3 (38 MB)

Is the Bible full of errors & contradictions? What about all those stories about people and places that never existed?
And if we are to take it at face value that it was written by over 40 authors over a 1,300 year period, ending 2,000 years ago, how can we trust it? What about the fact it’s been translated from Hebrew to Greek to Latin to German to English, etc., etc?

What about Source Criticism? Documentary Hypothesis (sounds smarter with a British accent)?

While not an exhaustive treatment of the subject by any means, we believe these questions can be answered and strive to give the basics in this episode. Moreover we present the case that the overarching message of the scriptures from beginning to end is strong evidence - proof even - for it’s reliability.