Sin. Light. Honesty. For those trying to overcome sin, 1 John is a critical foundation. It establishes our mindset and lays forth “the rules” so to speak. So, one of the assumed “rules” in Christinaity is that to be honest, we have to admit that we are dirty sinners. That we will always be sinners. And that anyone who says they AREN’T currently embroiled in sinful habits is a liar. 1 John is used as a prooftext for that position. On the other hand, 1 John is used by others to say that if we DO sin, we aren’t walking in the light. Which is true? Both? Neither?
If you CARE about trying to please the Lord, we believe this episode is helpful in answering these questions. Ready? Let’s GO!
1 John 1:6-10
Romans 13:11-13
1 John 2:1
Ephesians 5:8-14
In this first episode in our journey through 1 John, we begin in verse 5 - “This is the message that we have heard from Him and announce to you, that God is Light, and in Him there is no darkness at all…”. Unpackaging this verse and connecting the not-so-subtle dots between this and other related passages in the Scriptures can be a life changing exercise. Are you ready?
1 John 1:1-5, Hebrews 1:3, Exodus 34, 2 Cor 3:6, 2 Cor 4:6, Matt 4:16, Isa 9:1-2, Isa 60:1, Genesis 1:1-5
Part 2 in our series examining Calvinism. What about the scriptures that seem to indicate we are simply at the mercy of God and his soverign choices concerning our lives? Do we play any part in the salvation process? If so, what is that role? We tackle the tricky scriptures.
Highlights: God’s choice combine with our choice. God’s foreknowledge and where that fits in the picture. Marriage relationship as an illustration. Pancakes!
John 6:65, Ephesians 1:4,11, Romans 9:10-16, Exodus 5, Matt 22:14, 2 Thess 2:13 - 14, 1 Peter 1:1-2, 2 Peter 1:10
Are you a spiritual revolutionary? For the purposes of our discussion, a spiritual revolutionary is someone who views their relationship to sin COMPLETELY differently than most of the Christian world. As a result, people are WINNING in their personal lives. It’s not law. It’s not licentiousness. It’s new wine. Are you ready for it?
Part of our series “Lies We Allow Ourselves To Believe”, this lie has grown and grown to the point where most don’t even recognize it’s
roots. But they run deep and have spread far. Calvinism. Do you believe in it? Is it so bad? You may be surprised at the answers.
Everyday hero to many: Steve Doty in our first interview introduced us to Direct Connect Humanitarian Aid, what DCHA is doing in 8 countries around the world, and how a social orphan with a troubled past came to found a humanitarian organization. In this episode, Steve gives us the secret to overcoming sin in our personal lives. Want to win? Then you’ll definitely want to listen close and maybe even take some notes.
Join us as we interview the definition of a fascinating everday hero. Steve Doty, the founder and director of Direct Connect Humanitarian Aid sheds light on some of DCHA’s most recent projects - introducing us to people who are truly doing amazing things. DCHA is a humanitarian aid organization that exists to support local people who are already doing the work of serving others. By connecting those with a heart to serve with resources they need, DCHA is making a difference in places like Belarus, Kosovo, Vietnam and other countries as well. Steve not only introduces us to DCHA but stirringly shares his own background as a social orphan and what led him to found Direct Connect. You can learn more about DCHA at
Have you ever felt the sting of being accused of something lacking in your character? By a friend? Family member? Maybe an ENEMY? The scriptures give us some great insight into how to not only handle such criticism, but turn it into an opportunity. Ready? Let’s GO!
Second in our series Lies We Allow Ourselves To Believe, this lie is incideous in that it is couched in humility. Yet it renders us powerless to accomplish God’s purpose. What if we have believed (or still believe) this lie? We offer some motivation and ACTIONABLE steps to busting through the funk this lie causes.
In today’s culture it’s tempting to think that lampooning our adversaries with a quick meme or condescending label will win our argument. A few “Likes” and BOOM! We WON! While satire is a good tool for making points, if we want to truly help people move from point A to point B, we need to use some different tools in our tool belt. In this episode we compare and contrast both styles and give some tips on how to engage in a constructive way. Hint: Being willing to be proven wrong is key.