Radio Episodes

#31: Lies We Allow Ourselves To Believe: Episode One

Duration: 32:00 | Download MP3 (34 MB)

Lies! There are some popular but nasty ones out there that are hindering Christians from winning spiritual battles. We debunk some of those lies in this series, starting with one of the nastiest: That in Christ, we are still flawed and are destined to be slaves to sin. Be ready to be challenged and equipped and WIN!

#30: Christianese (More Than Just Words?)

Duration: 29:04 | Download MP3 (31 MB)

What do governments (from communist to good old ‘merica) know about controlling their citizens that we should take note of in the church? In this episode, we discuss a topic (hopefully engagingly so) that most have kicked to the curb to their peril. What we say and what we mean by it can affect peoples’ souls: Ours, our neighbors & friends, and our kids. Here is a link to a video we are discussing: Special thanks to Rob O’Keefe of Lancaster, Ohio for his valuable insight that helped us put this episode together!

#28: Youth Immersion Part 2 - What Now?

Duration: 31:45 | Download MP3 (34 MB)

A follow up to our Youth Immersion episode, where we examined at what age is appropriate for a person to be immersed into Christ. What is a person to do if they were immersed young? What if a person isn’t sure if they were old enough? What if, as parents, we encouraged or allowed our children to be immersed as youth? What now? Mark and Jason talk through their immersions as youth, what it did (and didn’t do) for them, as well as some practical steps moving forward. For an in-depth study on this topic, check out Steve Compton’s work on the subject -

#27: Youth Immersion - How Old Is Old Enough?

Duration: 30:00 | Download MP3 (45 MB)

Is my child old enough to become a Christian? Is there a magical age? What if my child were to die today, would they go to heaven? At what age does the grace that covers children cease to cover them? As parents these questions are probably on the back (or front) of our minds quite often, especially as our children reach certain age milestones - 12, 16, 18, 21, etc. Here are some principles to help guide us as we ask these questions. For an in-depth study, check out Steve Compton’s work on the subject here -

#26: Boots On The Ground - Interview with Jeff McGraw

Duration: 30:00 | Download MP3 (40 MB)

In our series “Boots On The Ground” we gain insight into what it takes to get things done by interviewing the ones who are doing the work! Jeff McGraw of Lancaster (LANkester), OH is one of those people. Jeff gives us valuable insight into how he gets it done, what challenges he sees facing Christian men today, and what the biggest opportunities we have in this day and age. Let’s learn from Jeff!